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ACLU MIAMI_master_RGB.tif

Complete social media campaign completed start to end in under 7 days. 

Done entirely through Zoom due to good ol' Covid.


PhilADthropy is an annual event put on by the University of Miami School of Communication

where a handful of non-profits from the Miami area are selected,

and teams of students stay up for 25 hours straight to create the ad materials the client desires. 

My team of 8 students and alumni and I were given the greater Miami chapter of the ACLU,

who asked us to create a social media campaign that appeals to and empowers your most active followers:

The goal was to increase motivation, drive engagement, and ideally, to get them to vote.


Which got us thinking;

Millennials and Zoomers are often stereotyped.
Unlike previous generations, we grew up with
unlimited access to information at our fingertips.
This is a big reason why we’re so politically active.

And our opinions? Well, they don’t always sit
well with our parents. 

Our Big Idea

It’s time to reclaim those stereotypes.

We are everything you call us: 

entitled, selfish, addicted to social media,
and impatient.


But is that really such a bad thing? 


When it comes to our future, 

we Refuse to Settle.



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Launch Video 



This next election is possibly the most important one we have seen in our lifetime. Do not take that lightly. It’s time for us to be selfish. Selfish for other people, selfish for those whose voting rights were taken away, and selfish for the next generation. The future belongs to us; “back to normal” isn’t an option. Vote with your heart, your compassion, your empathy. Vote.

Social Campaign

During our 5 work days, we created a social media, and specifically Instagram-based campaign, with one main goal;

Get people to VOTE. 


We started with flipping our generation's negative stereotypes on their heads, and showing that we are they way we are,

for a reason. 

Coloring Book and Crosswords

Protesting injustice can be stressful, but that’s not an excuse to stop doing the work.

When you are feeling stressed but want to stay inspired, print one of our downloadable coloring book pages of our humanitarian heroes, or get a civil rights refresher by filling out one of our crosswords.  


My illustration skills were utilized to create this 9/18 piece series of Refuse to Settle coloring book pages. Colored versions of the pages are posted to the feed as to not desaturate the content and keep the colorful aesthetic of the ACLU's page. 

Uncolored blank pages were added to the link tree in ACLU's bio to supply free printable downloads for everyone. 

There's no shame in admitting you wish you knew more than you do about the issues.

We'll be the first to admit that sometimes it feels as though we know nothing. 

Improve your knowledge with these 5 crosswords.

To further help with understanding the terminology being heavily used over the past few months and that will remain important in the following months leading to Election Day, we created a series of definitions.


These explain, in simple form, everything from Allyship to the term All Lives Matter, in a way that relates these words to today's current events. 

To see our campaign in action, visit @acluofgreatermiami on Instagram by clicking the icon below.

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© 2015 Julia Paccone. All rights reserved. 

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